Wednesday 2 January 2013

Stepping into 2013..?

Today is the first day that we would need to write the year as 2013 while we're writing the date, which for me has always needed some time to adapt to the change. :p

Well, stepping into a brand new year, hasn't got any remarkable special feeling for me, frankly.
Now what matters more to me is the flow of my academic calendar, like when would we be entering the next sem, it somehow feels more significant.

Been celebrating new year eve with bffs at cafe, played with snow sprays and watched people around went crazier as 12.00am came close. Artificial snow flakes and toxic  smell of aerosol all around. And thus I made up my mind I'd never celebrate new year in that way again, I never fond of being in a bunch of crazy crowd much. I observed people, and saw many of them were actually standing there staring into somewhere or just wearing a blank expression, which made me wonder were they actually getting any fun? Why do people simply like gathering somewhere like it's a norm even though they don't know what to do there? Sometimes people's behaviour is strange, we force ourselves into doing something, or say just following the norm blindly as we think it's accepted by the majority, and ignore the actual meaning of doing it. We don't really think much about things like: is what I'm doing worth doing? Does it brings any good to me or to others? Do I feel happy doing this? Sometimes we spend money on entertainment that don't really bring happiness to us, even though we knew that well, so why still continue? This's something worth thinking about in this new year. Act wisely. Wisdom, has always been what I'm aspiring for.

The first day of new year.. Hasn't been too nice for me. Maybe what happened on me this day is a reminder for me to be more alert and careful throughout the year. Yep, be more focus.

Review of 2012? It's a year neither too good nor too bad for me I guess.. Can be too much to say and nothing to say at the same time. Well, no mood to comment much at the moment.. :p Sleepy and dizzy..

Hope in 2013? Just occurred to me that I didn't do a list of goals like I used to do in some of the past years, really didn't even thought about that. Anyway, has any of the goals set ever been achieved successfully before? No idea about that, I've even forgotten the goals I once held on to. Sometimes I'd think, am I losing grip of my dreams bit by bit over the years? Definitely yes. The reality that you grow to realize more and more would engulf your fantasy like an ink drop fell into water, blackening the swirl of colours you once built with passion. And it's deteriorated by the fear of the unknown that holds you back in fighting for what you desire for. Kinda depressing, but I'm stuck with little things I can do to change the situation. So, back into topic, what do I hope for in this year? Well, my brain is severely yearning to go to bed now, so I'd leave the thinking to later and I guess what I need is to live a happy life, deals with things smoothly and always go for better. =]