Friday 10 August 2012


Flying over the crystal blue sea
Brushing through the palm trees
Traveling across the velvet sky
Just wish to see thee 

Kids, you're lovely + awesome!

Been teaching at kindergarten for one and a half month.
Although the period was quite short, the experience being with kids has changed my view on them - not all of the children are some rude, wicked and unlovely brats whom I'm not used to have fondness towards.
I'd admit that before I first had the chance to mingle with that bunch of kids, I was actually having a general bad impression towards them. Maybe that's because those kids I'd met before are all kinda.. untamed, i'd say.
Surprisingly, in a few days' time, I was quite delighted by their naive spirits and their creativity.
Their speech, though not really completely expressing what's on their mind, showed their simple wants.
Kids are simple, they want attention.
They like to tell stories. If it's a real story, it's usually bragging, like they've got new stuff, gone to somewhere with family, or being able to do something nice. If it's about imagination, you'll be awed by the flow of their story line which shows pure creativity.
So, I'm convinced that kids are actually adorable like most people think.
Plus, kids nowadays are becoming more and more good looking is it! Many cute girls and cute boys in a class!  ≧◡≦
For them, if you give them love and care, and they'll love you back, with pure hearts.=]

Teacher says, 'go hug each other and stand still!' as a punishment after they played too much~ cute not? :D

So cute! Agree?
My students and I~ Kids, why didn't you show some smiles huh? 

Don't look down on kids, they could be some great person in the future! Children, best wishes to you all! <3